Miracle Over the Atlantic by Michael Scott Allen

Jun 01, 2022

 “Captain, wake up, we have a problem.”  My friend Bill heard these words in the 1950’s when he was the captain of a 4-engine Airforce plane on a training mission over the Atlantic during the cold war.  They had taken off from Frankfort Germany and were using mid-air refueling & old school navigation without the aid of GPS to fly over Europe and out over the Atlantic to land on an island somewhere in the ocean.  The crews were taking turns flying and sleeping because of the length of the flight.  Bill was the senior captain in charge of the entire flight.  He was not used to being awakened like this.

“What’s the problem?” Bill asked.  The crewman answered “We’re out of gas and nobody knows where we are, there is no land in sight and we don’t know what to do.”


Bill got up and as he was walking towards the front of the plane he silently said to God, “GOD, WE NEED A MIRACLE...

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From Chrysalis to Butterfly - a Mirror of Human Transformation

Mar 01, 2022

Our annual Spring explosion of wind and rain prepares seeds, plants and trees to awaken from their winter hibernation in expression of life energies.  Trees, plants, flowers begin again their cycle of blooming the fullness of their existence in life. 

The magnificence of our existence is a  journey in this dualistic dimension that began at conception. Two cells sparked with life began the task of creating a human body. Within the womb our creation began with the spinal column and head. At this stage we  actually look like a caterpillar as we create the gestational sac within which we build and transform into the shape and function of a human baby.

Just as the transformation of the caterpillar to butterfly,  we push our way into the world with great energy to learn how to operate and stretch our faculties the same way the butterfly is free to explore its' new existence.

This metaphor of transformation is applicable in so many ways as we...

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Jul 01, 2020

Probably the most difficult transformation in the evolution of our consciousness is subjugating the Ego to the God-Self. When the initial euphoria of experiencing God as Divine Love becomes familiar and we have learned to trust Spirit’s involvement in our lives, the next step in our evolution is to Serve Spirit. And, here is where our experience of difficulties in the world begins.

Think about the situation. Whoever we are, wherever we are, whatever our circumstances, the evolution of our humanity, our survival in society, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, has been engineered and orchestrated by the Ego Self. We have survived life to become who we are because of the creation of and guidance of our Ego. The Ego-Self is the part that has provided day-to-day guidance to get our needs met, the part we use to solve problems, bring our desires into our life. The Ego is a construct of the mind. Let that sink in.

The number one priority of our humanity is survival at...

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Jun 01, 2020

The age-old question for all seekers of divine wisdom is “Will you serve God or the World? God or Money?”

Spiritual teachings have charged us to be aware that we cannot serve two masters. And when we try to do so, we create chaos and difficulties. So the question for us individually is “Who do I serve?” Not, who do I “think” I serve, not who do I “intend” to serve, but who am I really serving?

The inherent difficulty is that we are both human and divine. Since our natural inclination is to do whatever circumstances appear to require in any given environment, generally we default to the Ego perspective serving our survival needs first. If we are diligent, we can learn to discern the guidance of Spirit as to what to do and when instead of using the limited guidance from the Ego.

Acting on the promptings of the Ego is our habitual way of Being, called “survival”. Our humanity, like all other creatures on Earth, is set up to...

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The Merry Month of May!

May 01, 2020

 May Day celebrations appeared in pre-Christian times, with the festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers, held on April 27 during the Roman Republic era. Gaelic Beltane, most commonly held on April 30, was also associated with May Day celebrations. The day was a traditional holiday in many pre-Christian European pagan cultures.

Roman Catholics observe May Day with various devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  In works of art, school skits, and so forth, Mary's head will often be adorned with flowers in a May crowning. May 1 is also a feast day of the Catholic patron saint of workers St Joseph the Worker, a carpenter, husband to Mother Mary.

Early European settlers to America celebrated making baskets, filling with treats and left at someone’s doorstep. The giver rings the bell and runs away. Modern May Day ceremonies in the U.S. vary from region to region and many unite both the holiday's "Green Root" (pagan) and...

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Miracles in Life

Mar 01, 2020

I think most of us approach the word "miracles" as though it relates to magical happenings, mysteries, unknowable events. When I've  read the history of innovations that mankind has made in terms of health, industry, travel, etc., many historical quotations refer to their timely discoveries as miraculous. But what is a miracle but something coming into the light of the darkness of our awareness at the moment we need it! 

The great master Jesus said that we would perform greater miracles than he did in his day. What do you think he meant? He raised the dead! Can we effect that? Maybe, when you think about all the near death experiences that have been recorded in recent decades. Jesus also said we too are sons of God and have the same powers given Him. But it looks like we're not executing miracles. Why do you think that's so?

If you really want to get a sense of what miracles really are and how to effect miracles in life, A Course In Miracles is the textbook to do so....

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The Christmas Story as Spirit Guidance

Dec 01, 2019

At this time of year, I am always reminded how the birth of Jesus illustrates our path in life, thus our duty to life.

When I consider the idea of a virgin birth, I think of how the seed of God within the heart of my soul darkness merges with the Light of God to birth within me New Life and new hope for mankind.  The Christ energies that flood the planet this time of year gives each soul the stimulus to manifest a better life, a more satisfying experience of life and the hope of a stronger connection with God in life.

Joseph and Mary represent the aspects of the masculine and feminine energies entrusted with the protection and the human direction for the soul in the world until such time as the soul can receive the blessings of God on its own.  While the 3 wise men represent the 3 gifts that the Universe grants each soul in gratitude for the soul's service to life:  Gold = Substance, Frankincense = Healing, Myrrh = Renewal.

With wealth, health and transformative...

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Psycho-Neuro-Immuno-Endocrinology & You

Sep 07, 2019

Michael Scott Allen MD

You are one of the most complex machines in the Universe and you did not come with an obvious owner’s manual.  I know this is probably preaching to the choir, but I hope some of this information will be useful to you and/or the people you work with as healer, minister, counselor, coach.

There is an abundance of evidence scientific and experiential that your thoughts and emotions influence your health and wellness.


A dramatic case is one my brother witnessed during medical school.  He had a multiple personality disorder patient, a 22 yo man who was on the locked psych ward so they could observe him 24/7. He expressed one personality who was an insulin dependent juvenile diabetic, and a second personality who possessed normal pancreatic function. Deepak Chopra mentions a similar case in one of his books.  Other examples in the literature include people who have life threatening allergies with one personality and not the...

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Relationship vs. Doctrine

Aug 01, 2019

What is the distinction between having a relationship with God and simply focusing on the words of spiritual texts or a religious organization's doctrine of what God is to them? Huge distinction! 

A spiritual text shares the experience of others whereas a relationship offers you your own experience. See the difference? When  someone tells you about their amazing experience with a business leader or a church leader,  you may listen out of respect for your friendship or you may be moved to discover more.  The distinction between relationship and doctrine is listening to another's experience or having our own experience. What's real to us is our own experience because it touches the essence of God within us.

At the heart of our nature, we humans are narcissistic.  Our perspective of life is all about our survival. Until and unless we recognize that we have taken the difficult path to life instead of the easy route nothing changes - unless...

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Jul 01, 2019

Do you use them?

Our American culture speaks the creation story often and repeatedly every year through our traditional events and holidays. Our Christian traditions and Bible stories offer an explanation of the process of creation that I’m sure you have adopted. I am certain you have used the concepts from both Bible teachings and American history teachings as you developed your own creation story of your life.

Although many spiritual traditions have creation stories of HOW mankind came into existence, the story of Adam and Eve, or a man and a woman, and God pervades most stories. So, consider distilling the elements of these “stories” as maps revealing the process of manifestation or creation in this dualistic dimension of life. If we do that, we could determine that one of the principles required in the creation process is masculine energies represented by Adam and feminine energies represented by Eve. Notice that neither the masculine nor feminine energies are...

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