CONTROL - Is this the Ultimate Goal of Your Life?

Have you ever wondered what the ultimate goal of life is? If we are spiraling up to have greater and greater experiences and expressions of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies, do you ever wonder why? I wonder what the purpose of life is really about.

Finding the “soul mate” or “twin flame” is not the ultimate experience. Creating and having the best lifestyle available, the most money, the hottest business, the best of everything can’t be the real purpose of life.

What I started noticing in my own life is how everything seemed to come full circle. What I observed is how I would push, push, push my Self toward a goal I wanted to experience or have. When I reached the goal or had the experience, my energies seemed to be neutral or stagnant, almost as though waiting for my next command or adventure. Eventually, a new desire would pop up for me, I made it a new goal and I began the search and discovery as how to get to the new goal.

Is this the real purpose of life? Cycles and goals we set for ourselves in an endless spiral to become the best that we can become? When we gather the highest and best spiritual wisdom from all of human history we are pointed in the direction of mastering the Self. Why would that be the ultimate goal of life? What if mastering the Self is ultimately the ONLY real responsibility we have as human? What if mastering the Self is the only thing we are able to control in this existence?

When we look at the propensity of most evolving humans, the strongest urge is to control. Attempting to control things outside ourselves is futile. Have you noticed that even with thousands of years of living on earth, we cannot control or direct the weather, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados? The immature impulse is to control everything outside ourselves begins in the “terrible two’s” and for some continues into adulthood. Trying to control other people or other people’s creations always ends in disaster whether individual relationships or large groups or communities of people.

I suspect we misunderstand or misinterpret these urges to control. A sense of need to control is really a message to from our Self to control our corresponding emotion, verbalization or action within ourselves. What if humans are wired to rule Self first in order to become capable of creating our own lives?

The process of learning to master ourselves is self-evident. We can learn to control ourselves as the way to create a life that brings us the satisfaction we desire in life.

The question then becomes . . . Who is the ultimate control in your life?

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