Uncategorized Jul 01, 2020

Probably the most difficult transformation in the evolution of our consciousness is subjugating the Ego to the God-Self. When the initial euphoria of experiencing God as Divine Love becomes familiar and we have learned to trust Spirit’s involvement in our lives, the next step in our evolution is to Serve Spirit. And, here is where our experience of difficulties in the world begins.

Think about the situation. Whoever we are, wherever we are, whatever our circumstances, the evolution of our humanity, our survival in society, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, has been engineered and orchestrated by the Ego Self. We have survived life to become who we are because of the creation of and guidance of our Ego. The Ego-Self is the part that has provided day-to-day guidance to get our needs met, the part we use to solve problems, bring our desires into our life. The Ego is a construct of the mind. Let that sink in.

The number one priority of our humanity is survival at all cost. Some people are willing to do whatever they think necessary, lie, cheat, steal and kill, just to survive, because their recognition of God is limited and unfamiliar. The more we recognize God's interventions in our life, the more contact we have with Spirit and the greater our ability to see and ask for support in this life.

Once we have a profound experience of God, our perspective begins to change from our external perspective and reliance to an internal knowing that causes in life come from  much higher levels of life than our ordinary, human perceptions. Thus begins our quest to open ourselves to Spirit fully, to be guided by higher perspectives and perceptions of life.

When our relationship with Spirit and God reaches a level of integration and trust, we have the opportunity to raise our human existence from the level of Ego to that of Spirit and God. The journey to the God-Self requires major changes to our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical perspectives and structures of Being.

Moving from Ego’s dualistic perspective of existence and life experience to God’s infinite perspective of Oneness requires quantum leaps of faith.  Additionally, the process to maintain our connection to Spirit and God aka "Being IN the world, but not OF the world," requires constant monitoring of our true motives. The Ego does not surrender its throne easily. Using a variety of “mind games,” the Ego continues to distort our perceptions of life and our thinking in attempts to remain the god of the self. But our Oneness with God is a foregone conclusion and reality. We just need to remember and activate our perspective and perceptions through the Mind of God.

Only the Holy Spirit of God is able to guide us through the lies and manipulations of our own Ego attempting to maintain control as the Director of our lives. Using our free will to choose and command the Ego to surrender to our God Self is imperative if we are to know God and live the life He has ordained for us.




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