The Merry Month of May!

emotional - rituals May 01, 2020

 May Day celebrations appeared in pre-Christian times, with the festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers, held on April 27 during the Roman Republic era. Gaelic Beltane, most commonly held on April 30, was also associated with May Day celebrations. The day was a traditional holiday in many pre-Christian European pagan cultures.

Roman Catholics observe May Day with various devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  In works of art, school skits, and so forth, Mary's head will often be adorned with flowers in a May crowning. May 1 is also a feast day of the Catholic patron saint of workers St Joseph the Worker, a carpenter, husband to Mother Mary.

Early European settlers to America celebrated making baskets, filling with treats and left at someone’s doorstep. The giver rings the bell and runs away. Modern May Day ceremonies in the U.S. vary from region to region and many unite both the holiday's "Green Root" (pagan) and "Red Root" (labour) traditions. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Recognizing the fertility of Spring naturally gives rise to the appreciation of the Feminine energies of life in all its’ forms especially mothers. The worker component reveres the energizing spirit that pervades the time of Spring moving into the labor of Summer. The labor of birthing, the labor of nurturing to fruition, the discipline of energies focused to bring the birthed items to full term at the time of the harvest in late Summer and early Fall. And then the cycle begins again.


It is the feminine energies of life that bring the seeds of our conceptions into this reality. While the feminine energies continue to nurture, our masculine energies begin the tilling of the soil and fertilization and watering to grow our seed to full maturity.


What seeds are you putting into development this year? What ideas, what interests, what passions have been coalescing in your heart and mind to bring into this dimension? A better relationship with another? Your Self? A better lifestyle to increase health and wealth? A more complete satisfaction with an incomplete goal from last year? Wherever your heart and your mind are right now, you can energize your Spirit, Mind, Feelings and Actions to enrich your existence on all levels now.


Dance around the Maypole which symbolizes the cycles of life. Watch your dance steps, your joy, you laughter as you step into the new adventure you create for yourself.


Blessed BE!



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