Miracles in Life

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2020

I think most of us approach the word "miracles" as though it relates to magical happenings, mysteries, unknowable events. When I've  read the history of innovations that mankind has made in terms of health, industry, travel, etc., many historical quotations refer to their timely discoveries as miraculous. But what is a miracle but something coming into the light of the darkness of our awareness at the moment we need it! 

The great master Jesus said that we would perform greater miracles than he did in his day. What do you think he meant? He raised the dead! Can we effect that? Maybe, when you think about all the near death experiences that have been recorded in recent decades. Jesus also said we too are sons of God and have the same powers given Him. But it looks like we're not executing miracles. Why do you think that's so?

If you really want to get a sense of what miracles really are and how to effect miracles in life, A Course In Miracles is the textbook to do so. Channeled information from Jesus directly, ACIM is a 365 day course to change our thinking and perceptions of life.

One of the most powerful ideas in ACIM is the concept that our perception is how we make our life. To realize we assign meaning to everything we perceive is important  so eventually we can recognize that what we perceive really has no reality except what we choose to give it.

Life really is all perception. Without perception of distinctions what would we think? Without perception of comparisons what would be feel? Perceiving without references in order to make a life that works in the world can only happen when we are able to be present to the now, without reference to history, experience, appearances, dispositions, etc.





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