The Cycles of Life

physical - growth Dec 01, 2018

Our planet earth has a cycle of movement that affects us directly. The nature of the cycle we experience is directly related to our location and environment on the earth. What we observe as the earth cycles around the sun is the seasons of our location changing – temperatures, wind, rain, clouds, sunlight exposure all causing various conditions to which we must adapt. All life on our planet is exposed to the changing conditions of our environments due to the cycle of the earth around the sun.  We know these facts but we still try to control the effects of these planetary mechanisms over which we have no control! Our survival on planet earth depends on our adaptability to the changing conditions of life on earth.  Cycles of change are the ultimate reality here - earth cycles and human cycles.

Interestingly, most of our human endeavors also have a cycle through which they move toward the next level of existence. Our individual Self evolves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically through cycles we label infant, toddler, child, pre-teen, teen, young adult, adult, older adult, senior, elderly. Each of these cycles has generalizations we describe when we move into and out of the cycles. We are managing multiple cycles at the same time, giving our lives greater complexity than we usually stop to recognize.

Our relationships, our experiences, our achievements have cycle labels – new, beginning, middle, crisis, end. As we grow and change, our relationships change, our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies change, evolve, transform based on our conscious awareness. Every goal we create for ourselves has a beginning, middle and end. Like the rings that indicate the expansion and age of trees, our conscious awareness of life is ever moving through cycles of our life experience and evolving to higher or greater levels of awareness of life potentials, possibilities and probabilities.

The question really is . . . HOW do we master ourselves while engaged in the complexity of cycles of life moving us up the spiral of existence?

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