One of the most revealing aspects of the human ego has to do with CONTROL. Who is in control of your human vehicle? Although psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists have dissected and labeled human consciousness in an effort to understand who, what, why and how we are who we are, our spiritual traditions and ancient texts have revealed the ways to become better humans. The focus on who we are or why we are the way we are seem to me to be easily revealed by the answer to the question – Who is in charge? In control of the Self, the person and the consciousness?

To get to the answer you must be able to recognize how the Highest Self operates, the ego self operates, how the Emotional Self Operates and how the body or physical Self operates. Each of the energies of these aspects of human consciousness play a role in the creations of our Self and our lives. All of these aspects create the Identity through which we operate our human existence.

Through your physical energies, you will discover the nature of your creaturehood, your homo sapiens energies that manage your physical body. Closely aligned with the physical energies are your emotional energies developed through your observations of life via your sensory perceptions – vision, sound, smell, taste, touch as well as what are considered extrasensory perceptions – clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition. Your mental energies are the thinking energies that your ego self uses to show you how to plan and create your existence. Your Highest Self or God Self uses your spiritual energies to give you divine ideas to guide you toward the experiences for your highest and best good.

In the development of our humanhood, we begin building our physical body to operate in the earth dimensions. As early as 2 years old our emotional energies begin to assert our preferences about foods, places, activities, etc. Our mental thinking systems expand our information development when attend school to learn about our world and other people. Our spiritual development has been developing since birth depending how connected we have remained to our soul essence and how exposed we have been to spiritual traditions through stories and activities.

As you review your own spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies, do you find some well-developed and mature while others are underdeveloped and immature? Often when I work with people, they discover through their own processes that they are either identify with one energy body closely or they are stuck in the chaos of one energy body. When you consciously choose to identify with your highest conception of your Self, your perspective and your perceptions about your Self and your life change dramatically.

The perspective of “being a spiritual being having a human experience” is one that empowers the individual to identify with our broader, greater Self. Making the choice to align with the Highest Self generates the ideas, the questions, the answers about life that our ego self cannot answer about life.

If our purpose is to manage the cycles of our human development while moving up the spiral of existence, then aligning our thoughts, our feelings and our actions with our divine energies becomes necessary to our process of creating our Self’s and our lives for our highest and best good.  

The question really is . . . HOW do we master ourselves and our ego while engaged in the cycles of life moving us up the spiral of existences to our HIGHEST SELF?


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