Are you a slave to the old ways? The ways of your ancestors? The ways of your peers? Associates? Friends? Celebrities? Government? When I ask the question “Where are you in your own creation story?” I am asking if you are the sovereign of your life, or are you still operating your life with the same outdated principles and methods of others?

When we come into the world, we automatically adopt the ways of the humans we see around us. This is an unconscious method of conditioning. We are conditioned to think, to feel and to act like the humans we observe, because they just by being in our space, they are communicating what it means to be human. If we do zero observation or research about other ways to be, other ways to do, other ways to have or create in life, we end up operating only from our conditioning.

If your parents smoked cigarettes, chances are you did too even though they warned you that the practice is addicting and not good for you. Unless you adopted a new perspective based on the statement on the package of cigarettes by the surgeon general, you probably smoked cigarettes. If a different way of being did not gain traction in your mind, you began smoking because “That’s what people do.”

As a toddler developing through the “terrible two’s” your parents imposed boundaries that you did not like. Not having the ability to understand the dangers in your environment and your parents’ motives of safety, you threw temper tantrums as a means of communication. Just as an infant with limited communication ability screams when he’s hungry, the toddler screams when his actions are limited. Humans who do not develop skills to cope with limitations have difficulty in society.

Have you factored in the latest scientific information in the creation of your fully functional, optimally integrated Self? Are you recognizing how the picture of life has been changing for decades? Quantum physicists have been telling us about unique appearance and function characteristics of quantum elements functioning as particle and wave based on human observation. In other words, if a scientist “expects” to see a particle, that’s what he sees. If he expects to see a wave, he sees a wave. This discovery has major ramifications for our creation process as we create our lives.

Creating in life, manifesting in our dualistic dimension/environment has become more scientific and more manageable than ever before. No longer are we slaves to the old lives we have seen and lived. No longer are we trapped in a consciousness dictated by our environment. We now know we are free to “condition” our own mind, emotions and actions in ways that serve our intentions and desires as we create our own life in our own way.

Are you consciously designing the tapestry of your life or are you simply repeating the life of your parents and your DNA? Or, in your unconsciousness, are you creating a life that mimics celebrities, television stars, the sports figures, the glorified musicians without screening information for lies, deceptions, flaws, fantasies, irrelevancies, etc.? A computer metaphor describing how we operate our brains is “garbage in, garbage out”! When you become aware that you are in an environment that is not healthy for you spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically, your Greater Self prompts you to remove your Self and erase the faulty, damaging input. If you do not, the negative conditioning will influence the choices you make in your life.

Being wary of what you put into your mind, emotions and physical body is your responsibility.



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